Please find links below to open an account with Green Vision.
Account Application form : Green Vision Account Application Form
Standard Terms & Conditions : Downer Standard Terms Conditions
Green Vision Waste Acceptance Criteria / Declaration : Green Vision Waste Acceptance Criteria Declaration

Please contact Green Vision with regards to concrete materials that are coming or are planned to removed from site to see how we can fit the recovered material into a recycled product stream.
Green Vision, provides the following products and grades:
- EcoFill : All Passing 65mm comprising of crushed concrete, aggregate and rubble.
- GVRCC-RCC10 :All Passing 10mm recycled crushed concrete (nominal topsize 7mm).
- GVRCC-GAP20 : All Passing 20mm recycled crushed concrete.
- GVRCC-GAP40 : link to data sheet - GVRCC40 Technical Data Sheet
- GVRCC-GAP65 : link to data sheet - GVRCC65 Technical Data Sheet
- GVRCC-GAP100 : All Passing 100m recycled crushed concrete.
- Recycled Asphalt Millings
- Recycled Asphalt Chip 6 – 13mm
- Recycled Asphalt Chip 14 – 20mm
Green Vision was established to recycle waste streams generated from horizontal construction. These waste streams are generally free from contaminants. Contractors are encouraged to separate components at the source to reduce disposal costs and improve the efficiency of the operation.
All materials received into Green Vision are first reviewed by visual inspection at the weighbridge. If the incoming load is deemed suitable for recycling and repurposing, the weighbridge operator will direct the load to the recycled aggregate raw feed pile. If the load contains material, such as soil or other contaminants that may affect the quality of recycled aggregate, the weighbridge operator will direct the material to the disposal pile for sorting. Operators will sort the load with recyclable materials recovered and added to the raw feed pile for processing.
All material placed in the recycled aggregate raw feed pile is mixed and sorted to ensure that when processed a consistent feed to the nominated crushing process. This ensures that we achieve consistency in our stockpiled recycled crushed concrete product through minimisation of this variable factor.
Green Vision’s method is to approach to receive recyclable material onto the site ensuring that hazardous demolition materials are not accepted or allowed. This means hazardous materials are not present in our recycled crushed concrete products.
To support the reclaiming and recycling of concrete from horizontal and vertical construction, Green Vision provides a clean and managed fill transfer station service.
All material delivered to Green Vision's Pikes Point site shall be limited to managed fill/ clean fill which is defined as material that when discharged to the environment will have no adverse effect on people or the environment.
In line with Auckland Council Unitary Plan guidelines, and Resource Consent numbers 38931 and 38912, this plan identifies that clean fill consists of the following material(s):
- uncontaminated soil and/or clay
- uncontaminated clay
- uncontaminated gravel or rock
- uncontaminated brick and rubble
- general demolition material that is not contaminated by substances subject to biological, chemical, and/or physical breakdown.
This plan states that the following materials are not permitted in clean fill, nor are they consented to be held on the Green Vision site:
- un-weathered asphalt, asphalt concrete and tarseal
- sawdust and/or bark
- combustible matter
- organic matter including timber, trees, and/or garden trimmings
- sludge’s/slurry’s
- contaminated soil
- domestic, industrial or commercial waste
- hazardous waste or substance
- medical or clinical waste.
In a simple breakdown, the definition of acceptable waste stream materials may be natural materials such as clay and soil, rock, concrete, brick, ceramics, tiles, glass, road derived aggregates, cured asphalt or mixtures of any of the above.
All Managed fill accepted by Green Vision shall also be in a dry condition.
Green Vision does not treat any of the materials that it receives. All managed fill is transferred to a nominated landfill to undergo testing to ensure compliance with the landfill acceptance criteria as below.
Type |
Parameter |
Waste Acceptance Criteria (mg/kg) |
Leachability Limit (mg/kg) |
Metals |
Arsenic |
70 |
- |
Boron (B) |
260(45)* |
2 |
Cadmium |
7.5 |
- |
Chromium |
400 |
- |
Copper |
325 |
- |
Mercury |
0.75 |
- |
Nickel |
320(105)* |
1 |
Lead |
250 |
- |
Zinc |
1160(400)* |
1 |
Benzene |
0.004 |
- |
Toluene |
0.75 |
- |
Ethylbenzene |
0.85 |
- |
Total Xylenes |
0.45 |
- |
Benzo-a-pyrene (eq) |
2.15 |
- |
Other |
Free Cyanide**** |
0.9** |
- |
Total DDT (and Isomers) |
8.4 |
- |
Aldrin |
0.7 |
- |
Dieldrin |
0.7 |
- |
Other |
Total Cyanide |
29 |
- |
DDT and isomers |
12 |
- |
Aldrin |
0.020 |
- |
Dieldrin |
0.020 |
- |
Total Organic Carbon |
14% |
- |
Barium (Ba) |
350*** |
- |
Cobalt (Co) |
170*** |
- |
Magnesium(Mg) |
76,600*** |
- |
Manganese |
2,500*** |
- |
Nitrogen |
8,500*** |
- |
Phosphorus |
3,730*** |
- |
Potassium |
3,660*** |
- |
Sulphur |
2,300*** |
- |
Tin (Sn) |
4*** |
- |
Vanadium |
370*** |
- |
*Concentrations of boron above 45mg/kg, nickel above 105mg/kg and zinc above 400mg/kg in fill materials will require Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPLP) testing to be carried out on the fill materials prior to acceptance, to demonstrate that elevated concentrations of these elements will not mobilise under conditions likely to be present in the fill area.
** To be included in the analysis suite where the potential for cyanide contamination is identified.
*** Values extracted from Auckland Regional Council TP153, Table 3 Background Ranges of Trace Elements in Auckland Soils (Volcanic Range).
**** Total Cyanide tested for in the first instance. If results are above Free Cyanide limit, then Free Cyanide testing will be carried out.
Green Vision cannot accept managed fill materials that are likely to create leachate by a biological or chemical breakdown.
These include but are not limited to:
Industrial/commercial/residential waste
Such as asbestos, green asphalt, foundry sand, abrasive blasting sands/agents, paint or painted materials, Formica, carpet, containers, household waste, medical & veterinary waste, concrete containing rebar, metals, cables, plastics, tar, cement, tyres or materials that contain putrescible components.
Organic materials
This includes materials such as; bark, plywood, hardboard, MDF, treated timber, roots, branches, cork tiles, green waste (vegetation), paper/cardboard, particleboard, sawdust or any materials that contain combustible or degradable components.
Contaminated soils
These are soils that have or may have been contaminated by the following activities: Agrichemical, chemical, fertiliser, paint, or pesticide manufacture; skin or wool processing, gasworks, livestock dips or spray race operations, corrosives storage, wood treatment, DDT, hazardous waste disposal, petrochemical storage above or below ground or any soils contaminated with hazardous substances, hydrocarbons or pathogens